Benefits of a Cerumen Management Practice

Save Time

Decrease out-of-office referrals by removing cerumen in-house

Stay Relevant

Keep an edge over the competition by increasing the services you offer

Increased Revenue

Achieved by creating a fee for service practice or reducing rescheduling

Increase Career Satisfaction

Clinicians performing cerumen management report it is rewarding

Increase Patient Satisfaction

Offer a service needed by most hearing aid users and seniors

Increased Professional Skills

Advance the clinical skills your practice can offer

About the Courses

75The Cerumen Management Course is a suite of courses available either online or on campus at Macquarie University, NSW or Melbourne University, Victoria. The coursework consists of both theory and supervised practical work.

Participant numbers are strictly limited so prior payment is required and no refund will be given if you do not attend the course.

If border closures are in force due to COVID-19 restrictions which prevent you from attending a course, you will have priority for a spot on the next course.

Course options:

CM101C  Complete In-Person Training (Theory and Practicum) – starting at $675.00 incl GST

CM101P  Practicum In-Person Training (Practicum)$355.00 incl GST

CM101TH  Online Theory $255.00 incl GST

View the terms and conditions here.

Click here for more detailed information about the courses.


Provides a theoretical basis for safe ear canal management, including cerumen extraction.





Introduces various cerumen management techniques under supervision (mechanical removal and micro-suction), with emphasis on mechanical removal using a microscope or VorOtek O Scope.
Vorotek O Scope Clinician


Makes clinicians aware of ethical issues including informed consent and infection control.





Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of all cerumen management techniques, and when to use which technique depending on cerumen type and blockage.




This Fundamental Theory and Workshop is endorsed by ACN according to our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Endorsed Course Standards. It has been allocated 6.5 CPD hours according to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – Continuing Professional Development Standard.

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